Miracle photograph of the Name of Allah in clouds in Baramullah, Kashmir. Please click on photograph.
ا للہ عزوجل
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The earth rotates on its axis at one thousand miles an hour; if it turned at one hundred miles an hour, our days and nights would be ten times as long as now, and the hot sun would then burn up our vegetation during each long day, while in the long night any surviving sprout would freeze.
Again, the sun, source of our life, has a surface temperature of 12,000 degrees Fahrenheit, and our earth is, just far enough away so that this 'eternal fire" warms us just enough and not too much! If the sun gave off only one-half its present radiation, we would freeze, and if it gave half as much more, we would roast.
The slant of the earth, tilted at an angle of 23 degrees, gives us our seasons; if it had not been so tilted, vapours from the ocean would move north and south, piling up for us continents of ice. If our moon was, say, only 50 thousand miles away instead of its actual distance, our tides would be so enormous that twice a day all continents would be submerged; even the mountains would soon be eroded away.
If the crust of the earth had been only ten feet thicker, there would be no oxygen without which animal life must die. Had the ocean been a few feet deeper, carbon dioxide and oxygen would have been absorbed and no vegetable life could exist. Or if our atmosphere had been thinner, some of the meteors, now burned in space by the million every day would be striking all parts of the earth, starting fires everywhere.
Because of these, and host of other examples, there is not one chance in millions that life on our planet is an accident. Surely, in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alteration of night and day, there are signs for those who posses intelligence. (Holy Qu'ran 3:190)
They remember God while standing, sitting, and lying on their sides. And contemplate on the creation of the heavens and the earth: “Our Lord, You did not create all this in vain. Be You glorified. Protect us from the torment of the fire.” (Holy Qu'ran 3:191)
Signs of Allah in Oceans and Lands
The rains, the seas, rivers, streams, the oceans, drinkable water that flows when you turn on a faucet... People are so used to the existence of water that they probably never think about the fact that a major part of the Earth's surface -indeed, most of it- is covered with water. However, what is singularly important here is that, among all known celestial bodies, only the Earth provides drinkable water.
Fully four-fifths of the Earth's surface is covered with water. In addition to large water masses such as oceans, there are various other water sources whose sizes and attributes are different from each other, such as rivers and small lakes. Some of these waters are too salty to be drinkable, but others are fresh. There is a perfect water balance that has been arranged according to the needs of all living things on the Earth.
By virtue of water, millions of species of creatures exist on Earth, and the balances that are necessary for life are preserved. For example, clouds and rain are formed by the evaporation of large water masses. Water has a high capacity for drawing and holding heat. For this reason, the large water masses of the oceans and seas maintain the balance of the world's heat. Therefore, the temperature difference between day and night in regions near the sea is very small. This makes these regions more livable.
The existence of the oceans, a bird's-eye view of which is seen at the left of this page, is highly significant. Because the oceans reflect the sun's rays less than land does, they receive more sun energy, yet they disperse this heat in a more balanced way. Therefore, the oceans cool the equatorial regions and prevent them from becoming excessively hot, and also warm the waters of the polar regions to prevent them from freezing completely.
Through the transparency of water, water mosses can photosynthesize under the surface of the ocean. Water is one of the few substances in nature that expands when frozen. It is because of this that the seas and oceans do not freeze from bottom to top.
All of the physical and chemical features of water, of which only a few have been given here, show us that this liquid has been specially created for the needs of human life. It is surely no coincidence that such water is not available on any other planet besides the Earth. The Earth, which has been specially created for human life, has blossomed with life through water, which has also been specially created. Allah, Who has created countless blessings for His servants and bestowed on them an easy mode of living, has created water with unique artistry and delicacy. As He maintains in the Qur'an, "It is He Who sends down water from the sky..." (Surat an-Nahl: 10)
The great quantity of water in the seas makes our earth habitable. If the proportion of sea to land on the earth were smaller, then lands would turn into deserts and life would be impossible.
A conscientious person who thinks about these matters is completely convinced that the establishment of such a perfect balance on the earth is surely not a coincidence. Seeing and thinking about all these shows that a Creator Who is exalted and the owner of eternal power created everything for a purpose.
And He has made everything in the heavens and everything on the earth subservient to you. It is all from Him. There are certainly Signs in that for people who reflect. (Surat al-Jathiyya: 13).
Allah's Signature on Mountains
Unfortunately, today many of the "smartest" people of this world deny the existence of God. Suppose one of them walks by a mountain and see that there is a tent on top of the mountain. Immediately he will think that someone went up there and made the tent. He won't think that the tent formed itself. You and I also won't think that some sticks came and dug themselves on the ground and then a cloth flew to it to form the tent. We will all think that someone went up there and made it. That is the mistake. We think that the small and simple tent on the mountain cannot form itself but we think that the huge mountain underneath the tent was formed by itself! This is how narrow our thinking has become.
Verily Allah is the creator of all things. Allah says in Surah Qaf Al Quran (50:7) "And the earth! We have spread it out, and set thereon mountains standing firm, and have produced therein every kind of lovely growth (plants)."
The earth rotates on its axis at one thousand miles an hour; if it turned at one hundred miles an hour, our days and nights would be ten times as long as now, and the hot sun would then burn up our vegetation during each long day, while in the long night any surviving sprout would freeze.
Again, the sun, source of our life, has a surface temperature of 12,000 degrees Fahrenheit, and our earth is, just far enough away so that this 'eternal fire" warms us just enough and not too much! If the sun gave off only one-half its present radiation, we would freeze, and if it gave half as much more, we would roast.
The slant of the earth, tilted at an angle of 23 degrees, gives us our seasons; if it had not been so tilted, vapours from the ocean would move north and south, piling up for us continents of ice. If our moon was, say, only 50 thousand miles away instead of its actual distance, our tides would be so enormous that twice a day all continents would be submerged; even the mountains would soon be eroded away.
If the crust of the earth had been only ten feet thicker, there would be no oxygen without which animal life must die. Had the ocean been a few feet deeper, carbon dioxide and oxygen would have been absorbed and no vegetable life could exist. Or if our atmosphere had been thinner, some of the meteors, now burned in space by the million every day would be striking all parts of the earth, starting fires everywhere.
Because of these, and host of other examples, there is not one chance in millions that life on our planet is an accident. Surely, in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alteration of night and day, there are signs for those who posses intelligence. (Holy Qu'ran 3:190)
They remember God while standing, sitting, and lying on their sides. And contemplate on the creation of the heavens and the earth: “Our Lord, You did not create all this in vain. Be You glorified. Protect us from the torment of the fire.” (Holy Qu'ran 3:191)
Signs of Allah in Oceans and Lands
The rains, the seas, rivers, streams, the oceans, drinkable water that flows when you turn on a faucet... People are so used to the existence of water that they probably never think about the fact that a major part of the Earth's surface -indeed, most of it- is covered with water. However, what is singularly important here is that, among all known celestial bodies, only the Earth provides drinkable water.
Fully four-fifths of the Earth's surface is covered with water. In addition to large water masses such as oceans, there are various other water sources whose sizes and attributes are different from each other, such as rivers and small lakes. Some of these waters are too salty to be drinkable, but others are fresh. There is a perfect water balance that has been arranged according to the needs of all living things on the Earth.
By virtue of water, millions of species of creatures exist on Earth, and the balances that are necessary for life are preserved. For example, clouds and rain are formed by the evaporation of large water masses. Water has a high capacity for drawing and holding heat. For this reason, the large water masses of the oceans and seas maintain the balance of the world's heat. Therefore, the temperature difference between day and night in regions near the sea is very small. This makes these regions more livable.
The existence of the oceans, a bird's-eye view of which is seen at the left of this page, is highly significant. Because the oceans reflect the sun's rays less than land does, they receive more sun energy, yet they disperse this heat in a more balanced way. Therefore, the oceans cool the equatorial regions and prevent them from becoming excessively hot, and also warm the waters of the polar regions to prevent them from freezing completely.
Through the transparency of water, water mosses can photosynthesize under the surface of the ocean. Water is one of the few substances in nature that expands when frozen. It is because of this that the seas and oceans do not freeze from bottom to top.
All of the physical and chemical features of water, of which only a few have been given here, show us that this liquid has been specially created for the needs of human life. It is surely no coincidence that such water is not available on any other planet besides the Earth. The Earth, which has been specially created for human life, has blossomed with life through water, which has also been specially created. Allah, Who has created countless blessings for His servants and bestowed on them an easy mode of living, has created water with unique artistry and delicacy. As He maintains in the Qur'an, "It is He Who sends down water from the sky..." (Surat an-Nahl: 10)
The great quantity of water in the seas makes our earth habitable. If the proportion of sea to land on the earth were smaller, then lands would turn into deserts and life would be impossible.
A conscientious person who thinks about these matters is completely convinced that the establishment of such a perfect balance on the earth is surely not a coincidence. Seeing and thinking about all these shows that a Creator Who is exalted and the owner of eternal power created everything for a purpose.
And He has made everything in the heavens and everything on the earth subservient to you. It is all from Him. There are certainly Signs in that for people who reflect. (Surat al-Jathiyya: 13).
Allah's Signature on Mountains
Unfortunately, today many of the "smartest" people of this world deny the existence of God. Suppose one of them walks by a mountain and see that there is a tent on top of the mountain. Immediately he will think that someone went up there and made the tent. He won't think that the tent formed itself. You and I also won't think that some sticks came and dug themselves on the ground and then a cloth flew to it to form the tent. We will all think that someone went up there and made it. That is the mistake. We think that the small and simple tent on the mountain cannot form itself but we think that the huge mountain underneath the tent was formed by itself! This is how narrow our thinking has become.
Verily Allah is the creator of all things. Allah says in Surah Qaf Al Quran (50:7) "And the earth! We have spread it out, and set thereon mountains standing firm, and have produced therein every kind of lovely growth (plants)."
fromHassan Rasheed Ramay [email protected] AZAM <[email protected]>
dateSat, Sep 3, 2011 at 1:04 PMsubjectRe: REQUEST FREE SOFT COPY OF ENTIRE HOLY QURAN [ARABIC, ENGLISH]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!mailed-bygmail.comsigned-bygmail.comImportant mainly because it was sent directly to you.hide details Sep 3 (1 day ago)Dear BrotherSalamI need you Help to promote our Quran Channel on youtube. http://www.youtube.com/messageofquran
we want to upload complete Qur’an on it but our sticking rate is very low they are not allowing us to upload video more than 15 minutes if you please look at youtube and you feel that Muslim will get benefit out of that please promote that site
Brother Hassan
dateSat, Sep 3, 2011 at 1:04 PMsubjectRe: REQUEST FREE SOFT COPY OF ENTIRE HOLY QURAN [ARABIC, ENGLISH]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!mailed-bygmail.comsigned-bygmail.comImportant mainly because it was sent directly to you.hide details Sep 3 (1 day ago)Dear BrotherSalamI need you Help to promote our Quran Channel on youtube. http://www.youtube.com/messageofquran
we want to upload complete Qur’an on it but our sticking rate is very low they are not allowing us to upload video more than 15 minutes if you please look at youtube and you feel that Muslim will get benefit out of that please promote that site
Brother Hassan
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